Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why I Did It Again

The bible is clear that water baptism is an outward expression of our inner faith that we already have. Meaning, baptism by water is not necessary for salvation. It also is clear that Jesus instructs us to be baptized by water after you come into faith in Jesus Christ. For this reason, I was baptized again this past Tuesday. I was first baptized when I was around 6 or 7. I believe that I was a Christian, but I cannot remember it. I have a vague memory of the event, but I doubt I truly knew the meaning and importance of the event. About four years ago, I rededicated my life to Christ, and truly starting living the Christ like life. For this reason I decided to die to my old life publicly, and resurface as a new creation in Christ outside of water. I had the privalige of being baptized by my really good friend and Youth Pastor at Coastal Community Church, Jeremiah. It was an awesome evening. My wife, Justin (my friend), and Justin's finance Sarah were all baptized as well.

Cameron forgot to press record on the video camera for my baptism, so I actually got baptized twice! :) Thanks Cameron! Really, Cameron is awesome. He comes every Tuesday to watch all the kids in our group. Great guy. We had an audience for the baptism as well. These two college age guys were watching curiously the whole time. Pastor Chris went over afterwards and talked with them. They said that it was cool, because they had never experienced something like that in person. He told them about the church and who knows... maybe they will come.

I am so happy and exciting to see what God is doing in my life, my family's lives, and my church. Seeing the hand of God move in our midst is sooo awesome. I love it! I get a little excited about this stuff. Wouldn't it be awesome to see 562 people baptized in one afternoon? It happened at Newspring on September 9th. READ ABOUT IT HERE It can happen at Coastal. Just continue to be Jesus, and allow God to use you and we can see change to this size. I truly believe it. Love you all.