A good friend of mine was telling me yesterday that he finds it unbelievable that he can go to Iraq, carry a gun, see unspeakable things, do unspeakable things, and all for the freedom of so many people back home. He told me how he went over and slept in makeshift bunks, which were constantly being shelled with mortar rounds. He said he had to fight an enemy so evil that it was their goal to kill him and eventually kill his family back home. The enemy wanted nothing more than to destroy everything that was good in his life.
After he came home to the U.S. he had no patience for bill collectors yelling at him about a water bill that was a little late. He didn't have patients for people getting upset at him or not respecting him. Not that he wanted the affirmation, but that he at least wanted some sort of respect for who he was and what he did for them. He didn't go to the other side of the planet, sleep in ditches, get beaten up by the harsh conditions, endure sleepless nights, and suffer for people who can't even acknowledge what he did for their freedom.
Remind you of another story? You know, it floors me how people don't realize who and what Jesus did for them. he went through His own war with his own enemy to fight for our freedom. He was beaten, stabbed, whipped, and mocked by his enemy. He felt pain, rejection, sin, abandonment, and even tasted death before he rose again. And all for the gift of freedom. But still people purposefully reject him, and even unwittingly slap Him in His face by not acknowledging what He did for them. It is a free gift for us, just need to accept it.
Have you truly thanked him lately? He doesn't need your thanks... He deserves and desires it.
After he came home to the U.S. he had no patience for bill collectors yelling at him about a water bill that was a little late. He didn't have patients for people getting upset at him or not respecting him. Not that he wanted the affirmation, but that he at least wanted some sort of respect for who he was and what he did for them. He didn't go to the other side of the planet, sleep in ditches, get beaten up by the harsh conditions, endure sleepless nights, and suffer for people who can't even acknowledge what he did for their freedom.
Remind you of another story? You know, it floors me how people don't realize who and what Jesus did for them. he went through His own war with his own enemy to fight for our freedom. He was beaten, stabbed, whipped, and mocked by his enemy. He felt pain, rejection, sin, abandonment, and even tasted death before he rose again. And all for the gift of freedom. But still people purposefully reject him, and even unwittingly slap Him in His face by not acknowledging what He did for them. It is a free gift for us, just need to accept it.
Have you truly thanked him lately? He doesn't need your thanks... He deserves and desires it.
Good blog babe!! It's so true...and it's sad...that people refuse to acknowledge what Jesus did for them on the cross! I feel like shaking people sometimes..and saying "Wake up"! This is not a game...it is a war...and we are fighting for our lives...eternally anyhow!
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