Wow, I just wanted to say that I am having more and more fun at Coastal Community Church every Sunday. This morning I woke up ubber excited! Yes, I just said "ubber". I was jacked for service today. I don't know what it is, I just was excited. I think it might have to do with the new SiMPLE CHURCH series that we are doing, but whatever it is, it seems to be not just me that is pumped. I just sense a spirit of joy in the church lately. That we are coming to realize the true implications of what we do and why we do it.
And man! What a week of visitors and return visitors. We had a ton of new people and a ton of people come back for a second time! I couldn't keep up with all the new people I saw this morning. January 6th could not come soon enough. Going to two services is exciting but let's not forget why we are doing it. It isn't so we can come at 11:15 and get a few more minutes of sleep. It is to promote growth! Like Pastor Chris is always saying... "Who are you praying for? Who are you inviting? Who are you bringing?" I always am asking myself that question. I can't wait until right after we go to two services and we quickly realize that that is not enough. I can't wait until our biggest problem is fitting all the people into the building that we are inviting... and then seeing their lives dramatically change because of Christ! That is what it is all about... LIFE! and experiencing LIFE together!
Well, I have to calm myself down and go study. Man it is good to be in Christ!

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