Thursday, November 29, 2007

Picking The Perfect Tree

Andy is two years old. We thought that this was the year that we should start his Christmas traditions. Today we made a trip to the tree farm. We brought a saw, and wondered out into the field. Andy was funny because he simply kept going to the tree's that were barely taller than he is and saying... "I like this one daddy!" I almost suggested to Miranda that we get him a little one to put in his room, but I didn't. After searching for about 30 minutes, we found "The Tree". It was an eight foot tree before we cut it, so after it was cut it was perfect for our ceiling. We brought it home and spent the evening decorating it with Christmas music in the background. we topped the evening off with Miranda reading Andy the original Christmas story.

It is very important for kids to be able to have fun with the Santa Clause idea, but also to know what it truly is all about. It isn't about presents, lights, or even the Church Christmas Cantata! It is about our Savior. My son will know that Jesus is the real reason we have Christmas, but Santa is something that we pretend with to have fun. And even though we will tell him that Santa is pretend from the beginning, he will still think he hears reindeer on the roof, and a "Hohoho!" on Christmas Eve. That is what kids do, they imagine! They don't need our help pretending. We only confuse them when we try!

And now I know I'll get a comment (or at least someone will think it) that says "You don't know! Your kid is only two! What do you know about raising kids!" If you are thinking that... you are old, and need to get over it.


**By the way, my computer is fixed, so I can Blog!!!! please comment if you missed me!**