Saturday, December 22, 2007


Christmas is a season of anticipation. We anticipate food, family, cheerful times, lights, decorations, and MOST importantly… presents! As a child I can remember having my stomach in knots for weeks anticipating the big day. Actually that "kid" anticipation never left. I think everyone remembers in elementary school making the Christmas countdown paper chains. Every day for a month before Christmas you'd rip off one paper chain link until you ran out and then the anticipation was over, and it was Christmas! Those were the days... when we had time to make a stupid paper Christmas chain. Now a days, I anticipate the look on my son's and wife's face when they open their gifts.

I am sure there was a ton of anticipation the night of Jesus’ birth as well. I’d imagine Joseph was afraid of being the earthly father of the Son of God. Imagine that! "Hey, your fiance is pregnant... and by the way... He is the living Son of God... No pressure Joe!" I am sure that Mary was anticipating, well, labor! I can only imagine the anticipation in heaven at the idea of the Savior of the world being born. But, I bet not many were anticipating what that sweet infant child was truly put on earth to do, to die for our sins on the cross. The night before Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus wept and was in so much anguish over the anticipation of what he was about to go through that scholars say He sweat blood. He was the perfect God-Man, but He still anticipated the pain that He was sent to bare for our sins.

In this season of anticipation, let’s pause and remember what Christ ultimately was born to do, to die and rise to life for our sins. Without that sacrifice, we would have nothing to anticipate.



Anonymous said...

Wow Andy! That was a great blog! You are also a great writer! A's in English class? lol!