Thursday, December 6, 2007

Combat Descent a.k.a. My Life

Have you ever been just minding your own business in life, and things are going well, and then God challenges you to step it up a notch and it seems like your life takes a nosedive for flat broke and disaster after disaster. I once had a flight on a C-17 (Air Force cargo aircraft) and they were doing a combat descent. Imagine flying at 35,000 feet in the air and then dropping to 10,000 feet in a matter of seconds. I felt like I was a kid in a zero gravity chamber at space camp. Then I felt like I was a kid after a carnival ride puking up cotton candy and deep fried Twinkies. Yes, it is true I puked everywhere.

The last few weeks have reminded me of that experience. Life had been great, and God was at work. He challenged us to step it up a little and we obeyed. Since then, My computer got a Virus, the Ethernet card went bad, my network router broke, the monitor stopped working, my car broke down, my trucks headlight went out, and oh yea, this all happened during the Christmas shopping season! :) One might be quick to lash out in anger towards God at this but I am actually in a twisted way, excited about it. I know God is going to bless us in His timing. What exactly that blessing is, I do not know. I am not even saying that it will be in the form of money. I just know God is good, and he does provide.