Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Heart Melting, Jaw Dropping, Wrapped Around My Pinkie Moment!

OK, so first of many, but last night I had my first "you could get anything you want in the world right now" moments with my daughter, Ainsley. I was holding her in the kitchen on my shoulder. She is very fragile and weak since she was born so small. So, she hasn't really done much of picking her head up and looking around yet. But something caught her eye this time. It was my eyes. She just started to stare in my eyes. She was looking so deeply and attentively into my eyes that I just freakin' melted right there. I swear, anything, if she could have talked, she would have had it right then and there. I would have bought her the world. Seriously, I love my son, but this is going to be bad, people. I am a sucker for a good puppy dog face, and when it comes to my daughter it is going to be even worse! She literally stared into my eyes for an entire minute, only to stop because her neck muscles needed a rest on my shoulder.

OK, there is the set-up

Here is the application

Isn't that how God feels about us? When we actually get up enough spiritual muscle to lift our heads and actually stare into the face of God for a while. He probably is there waiting anxiously for us to be strong enough to forget everyone and everything around us for just a minute and PAY ATTENTION TO HIM! I bet he just melts! Most of us don't get that spiritual neck muscle too often, do we. We are so distracted by things around us, even ministry and church, that we rarely pause enough to look up and make it about HIM and not about US! We are often spiritual newborns walking in a spiritual adult world. So, try this day to pause and get enough strength to look into your Daddy's eyes for a few moments. He may just give you the world. At the least you WILL make His heart melt.



Sarah said...

Awww thats so cute! It was nice seeing ya'll last night. Hopefuly we can get together soon.
