Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Pending Promotion

A few weeks ago we saw a video at Seacoast Church called "Cardboard Testimonies". The idea is not new. You basically get people from your church to hold up cardboard boxes with writing on them. One side says what they came from, and the other says what God has transformed them into. We had things in our video like "drug addicted gang banger"/"Spirit filled small group leader", or "Raped, ashamed, depressed"/"Loved, Adored, Happy". The video really caught me off guard. I have a burden on my heart to see dramatic life change like this, and to be used by God to help these transformations occur, but sometimes when I see things like it, it simply breaks me. To have a calling into ministry is not simply something that would be "cool", or a "fun job". It seriously is a burden!

When I was called into ministry in 2005, I didn't really tell many people my plans... mainly due to the fact that I didn't know how God was going to do it. I have a family of four and a youth pastors salary to say the least is... nothing to brag about. But I reserved in my heart that he would provide when the time is right. I am in the military and will not get out until July 2011 so I knew I had a little while for God to work out the details. When I did tell people what I was doing I got responses like "how are you going to survive financially?" or "Are you sure that is what God wants you to do? You won't make any money". And those responses were from CHRISTIANS, so you can imagine what I got from non-Christians.

What I am getting at is the fact that I get very frustrated and I actually doubt myself because of these reactions I get from people. I know in my heart that God will provide, and I don't really care about wealth as long as my family is taken care of.

One of the cardboard testimonies in this video was one that said "Wealthy CEO" on the front and "Promoted to Youth Pastor" on the back. When I saw that I lost it. Right in the middle of service I began to cry like a little baby. To see that attitude in another person is really reassuring. You see, I don't see leaving the military as a demotion in pay or benefits, I see it as a promotion to what God intended me to do.

In three years I get my promotion, from working on multi million dollar defensive avionics systems on the C-17 aircraft, to a Youth Pastor. I can't wait!



Anonymous said...

Can you hear that???

Its the hallelujah chorus signing because you have blogged and kicked satan in the toosh at the same time proclaiming your promotion!

Awesome dude!
Love ya, C

Anonymous said...

Your faith is an inspiration. God has blessed me with knowing you and your family and I admire your trustfulness in God and His plans for you and your family. I miss you guys terribly!!