Saturday, August 2, 2008

Andy's New Look

Well, it is official. My son got glasses.

We noticed about 4 months ago that he was covering up one eye while looking at things. We didn't think much about it, but then about two months ago it became more consistent. Then over the past month... it was every time he watched TV and whenever he specifically looked at something. We asked him why he was covering an eye and he replied "So I can see it better." Simple answer, simple conclusion. Miranda made an eye appointment and the doc said he has 20/100 vision.

Previous to this event, I never looked down on people who wore glasses. They are normal people and I never looked at them differently. This was different. I must admit, at first, I was like "Not my son! He is perfect! How dare the doc say there is something wrong with him!". **Again, if you wear glasses, don't take this personal** It took me a couple days to come to grips with the idea that he needed glasses. As a father, I just assume that my son will be better/healthier than I. It is natural. I guess these things make us re-evaluate that concept. We picked up his glasses on Friday and he loves wearing them. He says he can see a lot better now. We have tested it and he really can see better. Without his glasses he can't tell how many fingers we hold up at about 10 feet away. With them on, he gets it right every time.

Above all, he is absolutely adorable with them. I love him so much!


Sara Lynn said...

Hey andy,

I joined the blog world!! not that my life is interesting! lol

Sara P.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude
What happened to blogging the other day? You even twittered about it.
Also, like my blog roll name. Made me smile :)