How many times have I seen a less than one year old baby christian slowly fall/crawl/run back to his/her old lifestyle? Too many times. I feel like beating my head in when they do this... it seems like such a waste of time and commitment by them. What is it that makes it so hard for new Christians to stay with thier commitment and grow past that infantile stage?
I say it is avoiding, no, fighting the urge to give in to spiritual complacency and boredom. My son is 2 and LOVES "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", but in a few months Mickey will be a thing of the past. Now he can't wait to wake up and watch it. Even though the episodes are all the same and he has seen every one, he still wakes up with that overwelming desire to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. This will end soon. We have all seen it as Christians too... a new Christian is so excited and desires God's presence in their life so much that they can't help but reflect Christ in their lives! Then the "spiritual high" (not to coin an overused phrase) dissipates, and their christian life becomes something of the past. I wish they could all avoid this spiritual hump and hang on to what God has for them, but they don't. I naturally want to blame myself for this occurance. Maybe if I was just a little more involved in their life, or maybe if I pushed a little more when I saw it beginning to happen. Then God reminds me that it is always their choice. We can influence other Christians all we want, but ultimately every person has to make their own decision and no one can be blamed or credited for that choice but the person who made it.
Keep that commitment as important today as it was the first day we made it. After all, God hasn't changed since that day....WE have. I want to be as furvently in love with Christ everyday as I was when I first commited my life to him.
Andy, I understand your frustration. Can't they now see the land that flows with milk and honey and do they not also see the world for what it is? You must keep in mind the parable of the sower because the circumstances of the seed also apply to new christians.
Sometimes the cares of the world chokes them, sometimes it really wasn't a heart commitment and they shoot up fast but have no root, and sometimes they are thrown to the wayside without encouragement.
Whenever we have a relationship with a new christian our goals are to teach them to be spiritually self sustaining, not relying on church or friends but on their personal walk with the Lord, and also we need to always be encouraging--to everyone really. In today's world let's not forget encouragement. not advice, reproach, rebuke as much as love, grace, and encouragement though all have their place.
When i started backsliding at New Life the one thing I wished had happened was that my friends had stepped in to confront and encourage me and not just alienate me and not hang out with me because i was falling away. Like you said this is what church is for. We are our brothers keepers and we need to hold each other accountable and those who we love we rebuke.
For new christians we need to do the same--be involved.
Hey AG -
On behalf of all Californians everywhere - I do apologize.
This move by the Senator was pretty stupid. Berkeley has (and always will be) Berkeley.
Congrats on the girl!
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